Final presentationThe last week just went by so quickly. On Wednesday we had our final presentation to Hitesh and Kajal from Chaitanya. We went through all our deliveries and highlighted the key follow ups. While four weeks are a quite limited time we think that we were able to provide Chaitanya with a toolbox and a plan to extend their reach in the slums of Jamnagar. If you want to support them – you can now donate via PayPal! Saying goodbye is always hard and it was even harder in this case since it was not a normal project but by seeing the children each day and working so closely with the founders you just have to become emotional attached to the project. Our last rkischa ride back to the hotel was a quite on.

After a farewell dinner with the team on thursday night it was time to pack and on friday 12:30 we said goodbye to Jamnagar.  Lucky enough I will spend the next two weeks with my CSC Malcom colleague to travel around.

Thanks to all of you for the interest in this blog! I hope I was able to communicate the wonderful experience I had a bit – although there just so many little things that made the time special but cannot be summarized in a blog – it is truly a once in a lifetime experience.

#ibmcsc india


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