csc-independenceDayWe had the fortune that our first week of work happened to have a public holiday: India Independence Day. Instead of working we went to the Happy Children Center celebration that afternoon. About 150 kids attended the celebration and performed traditional dancing in really nice dresses.

Since it is Saturday and we go some time off I thought I let you know a bit more about the project. The Happy Children Center provides daily 2 hours of education for kids that are either in government schools or dropped out of school. Their goal is to make learning fun instead of having dictation like lessons. Currently they have one center with facilities and two open space centers. One of their goals is it to move the open space centers to facilities since e.g. during monsum season lessons are often interrupted or canceled because of the frequent rain. Furthermore  Chaitanya Trust wants to ensure sustainably funding to ensure they can fund the current centers and expand to even more.

csc-homemadefoodTo help with this, the following two tasks are being (hopefully)  accomplished by Keith, Emily and myself:

  • create a new five-year strategy plan to augment, expand, and scale to an optimal number of Centers that meet the objectives of the program.
  • crate a marketing, branding, messaging, and communications plan

So the first week was all about getting to learn about the program, meet the children, the teacher and ask a lot of question. We also started with same first work items and created a map of the slums in Jamnagar. Next week we will probably be more focussed on designing our delivers and writing down first ideas to discuss them with Hitesh and Kajal.

As the week ended we had the please to be served home made gujarati food by Kajal – which was really delicious!

If you are interested in more picture feel free to following the link.

#ibmcsc india


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